Alarm Management

WHEREAS, the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police (VACP) recognizes that homeland security and community oriented policing continue to put new demands on law enforcement resources, and; 

WHEREAS, results from studies initiated by law enforcement and the alarm industry indicate that enacting effective alarm ordinances significantly reduces false dispatches, thereby freeing up law enforcement resources that can be redirected to homeland security, community oriented policing, and crime reduction.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police urges all law enforcement and public safety agencies to utilize the VACP Model Alarm Management Policy in developing and / or revising their current Alarm Ordinance and Alarm Management Program.

PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of August, 2009 by the Executive Board of the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police.


Model Alarm Ordinance for Virginia Law Enforcement Agencies (Word doc)

Sample Alarm System Permit Application (Word doc)

Alarm Management Video from the Security Industry Alarm Coalition (SIAC)

IACP Position Paper on Alarm Management (Adobe PDF)

VACP Model Alarm Ordinance Resolution (Adobe PDF)

Alarm Association of Florida Alarm User Class PowerPoint Slides (Adobe PDF - 18.4 MB)

FTC Facts for Consumers: "Beware of Home Alarm Sales Scams" (Adobe PDF)