Latest Educational Content and Free Resources from Lexipol
- By: VACP
- On: 08/06/2019 22:38:32
- In: Partner Content
VACP Corporate Partner Lexipol is pleased to share this sampling of their educational content and free resources with VACP members and associates.
There is shockingly little data surrounding the impact on both agencies and officers who are first responders to people in mental crisis. So, Lexipol and Calibre Press came together to conduct the first nationwide survey of law enforcement officers and leaders. These 4,200 participants shared their perspectives on the frequency and nature of such calls and how their training and policies prepare them. The results of this survey can be found here: Law Enforcement Response to People in Crisis [White Paper]
According to national statistics, more law enforcement and fire personnel kill themselves than are killed in the line of duty. Why We Need a New Approach to Law Enforcement Officer Mental Health explores this topic and why it's so important to rethink officer mental health.
A female officer shares her experiences after 21 years in law enforcement and provides 4 tips for women in law enforcement in My Story: What 21 Years on the Job Taught Me About Integrating Women in Law Enforcement Agencies.
And, in case you missed it, check out Social Media and Law Enforcement: Friend or Foe? now available as an on-demand webinar for free when you need a refresher on the do's and don'ts of social media.
Lexipol also has two free law enforcement webinars coming up:
On August 20, join us for a quick, 30-minute webinar on Internal Affairs Investigations: Striking the Right Balance. This free webinar will discuss how to conduct interrogations that are effective at rooting out bad behavior while remaining fair to the officer. Register Now.
On September 11, join us for Excited Delirium (ExDS): 8 Key Law Enforcement Takeaways. Here, a panel of ExDS researchers and instructors will provide key takeaways, discuss the latest research involving ExDS and share proven training and response protocols developed by the Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody Deaths that may help prevent potentially deadly use of force incidents when dealing with ExDS subjects. Register Now.
For corrections:
Legal expert and editor of Xiphos, Ken Wallentine, invites you to consider the facts in two recent cases and decide whether the use of an electronic control device (ECD) is consistent with your training and your agency's policies in Was Electronic Control Device Use Proper? You Decide!
Probation officers wear many hats as they navigate the complexities of supervising probationers. Writing Probation Reports: 3 Roles Probation Officers Play and How They Impact Reports shows how important three of these roles are to report writing.
Correctional officers and leaders have a moral obligation to protect inmates. And while there may be unpreventable situations, Be Observant: 10 Warning Signs of Suicidal Inmates shows potential warning signs to watch for in inmate populations.
In case you missed it, the webinar Safe Street Encounters: Threats, Human Performance Dynamics and the Law is now available on-demand. Together with the Force Science Institute, Lexipol will help you learn about the threats officers face during contacts, critical human performance factors, and how these dynamics intersect with the law.
We hope these resources will help you succeed; we're all better off when we are informed!