Virginia Capitol Police Colonel Steve Pike Sworn in as VLEPSC Chairman
The Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards Commission (VLEPSC) establishes professional standards and administers the state accreditation process by which agencies can be measured and evaluated.

The Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police, the Virginia Sheriffs' Association, and the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services(DCJS) make up the VLEPSC. Executive board members consisting of active Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police establish professional standards and administer the accreditation process by which Virginia agencies can be systematically measured, evaluated, and updated. DCJS manages the day-to-day operations for the Commission.
The Commission's goals include the following: To increase the effectiveness and efficiency of law enforcement agencies in the Commonwealth through the delivery of services; To promote cooperation among all components in the criminal justice system; To ensure the appropriate level of training for law enforcement personnel; To promote public confidence in law enforcement; and To promote the professionalism of law enforcement agencies in the Commonwealth of Virginia.