CASE STUDY: Harrisonburg Police's Secret Weapon for Achieving VLEPSC Accreditation
- By: VACP
- On: 11/04/2020 18:51:13
- In: Partner Content
Harrisonburg was just awarded VLEPSC accreditation in September. Read more about how they did it in this case study from VACP Corporate Partner Lexipol.
For many law enforcement agencies in Virginia, accreditation through the Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards Commission (VLEPSC) is the gold standard, an indication of professionalism and excellence. In fact, accreditation may soon become a requirement as part of a recent package of police reform legislation.But achieving accreditation is not easy! It requires demonstrating compliance with 190 standards and 557 components. That kind of challenge requires a secret weapon.
For the Harrisonburg (VA) Police Department, that secret weapon was partnering with Lexipol. Their Virginia Law Enforcement Policies and Training solution provides 160 policies that cover about 80% of the VLEPSC standards, combined with tools that make managing the assessment process easy.
Harrisonburg was just awarded accreditation in September. Read more about how they did it in this case study.
“Lexipol has been a huge tool in helping us achieve accreditation and to manage and update our policies in a user-friendly way.”Ready to learn how Lexipol can take the headaches out of accreditation management for your agency? For more information, please contact Lorenzo De La Garza, Lexipol Virginia Representative, at 469-598-0228 or
— Harrisonburg Interim Chief Gabriel Camacho
REMEMBER... The VACP has negotiated a 5% discount on Lexipol software and services for VACP members!