Germanna Community College Police Chief Craig Branch Selected to Receive 2021 VACP President's Award
Chief Branch was recognized by 2020-21 VACP President Chief Maggie DeBoard for his steadfast dedication to Virginia law enforcement and professionalism in policing.

Each year, the President of the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police & Foundation (VACP) selects an individual for the President's Award who exemplifies the true police professional – and someone who has been a tremendous asset to the Virginia law enforcement community. This year, 2020-21 VACP President Chief Maggie DeBoard (Herndon) recognized Chief Craig Branch, Germanna Community College Police Department. The award was presented to Chief Branch at the VACP Annual Conference in Williamsburg on August 23, 2021.
During the presentation, President DeBoard remarked, "The last 18 months have been tough for Virginia law enforcement, and it's been difficult to identify just who our champions are. There is one chief who stands out for his steadfast dedication to the profession and whose work deserves recognition. Germanna Community College Police Chief Craig Branch is best described as our 'go-to guy. He steps up and has served in numerous positions on behalf of Virginia law enforcement."
Chief Branch has been a member of the VACP Executive Board since 2017 and was elected this year to the position of Third Vice President. Previously, he served two terms as President of the Virginia Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators.
Chief Branch also has served multiple terms as a member of the Virginia DCJS Private Security Services Advisory Board and as a member of the Commonwealth of Virginia's Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice. Craig currently serves on the Commonwealth of Virginia's Criminal Justice Services Board (Executive Committee), the Commonwealth of Virginia State Interoperability Executive Committee, Virginia's SCHEV Advisory Committee on Campus Sexual Violence, and the Department of Criminal Justice Services School-Law Enforcement Partnership Advisory Committee.
Chief Branch currently serves as a Senior Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) instructor and is a master trainer for the state's REVIVE! Opioid Overdose and Naloxone Education Certification training.
"Craig's one goal in his lengthy career of public service has been to advance professionalism in Virginia policing," President DeBoard continued. "He does so in a quiet fashion that is characteristic of his humility and selflessness. It is my honor to present the 2021 VACP President's Award to our friend and champion, Chief Craig Branch."
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The Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police & Foundation ( is a statewide charitable organization of federal, state and local police chiefs and other law enforcement executives dedicated to improving the professionalism of police agencies in Virginia and to providing training and education programs for law enforcement executives. The Association was founded in 1926 and has more than 600 members.
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