VLEPSC Honors Leesburg Police for Achieving Reaccreditation
This is the fourth time the Leesburg Police Department have achieved accredited agency status.

All accreditation programs are designed to measure and confirm compliance of the participating agency with the professional standards in whatever discipline or profession they are involved. It is one of the only means by which citizens and government leaders can be assured that an agency is maintaining the high performance marks to which the community has a right.
As one of the premier agencies in Northern Virginia, the Leesburg Police have demonstrated their commitment to professionalism and their willingness to be measured by and compared to the best in the profession.
Virginia's program was started in the early 1990's, with the creation of a twelve member Commission of representatives from the Virginia Sheriffs' Association and the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police. The Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards Commission (VLEPSC) provides law enforcement agencies in the Commonwealth with an avenue for demonstrating that they meet nearly 200 accepted standards for efficient and effective agency operation. The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) administers the program for VLEPSC.
To obtain accreditation, a law enforcement agency must meet all applicable program standards, maintain their accreditation files on an on-going basis and provide annual verifications of compliance as required by the Commission. On-site assessments by specially trained program assessors assure consistency and full compliance of all accredited agencies.
A listing of the program criteria is available on the DCJS website at