VACP Announces New Strategic Partnership with Critical Response Group (CRG)

The Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police & Foundation (VACP) is proud to announce its strategic partnership with Critical Response Group, Inc. (CRG), a team of U.S Special Operations Forces veterans, public safety professionals, and technical experts committed to enhancing public safety through the implementation of best-in-class technology.
CRG offers two signature products that are revolutionizing how first responders communicate during emergencies. The first is a battle-tested communication tool called a Collaborative Response Graphic®, which was adapted from a mapping technique used U.S. Special Operators overseas to communicate during counter-terrorism missions. Collaborative Response Graphics combine facility floor plans, high resolution imagery and a gridded overlay together into one map and allow first responders from different disciplines to collaborate during an emergency using an accurate common operating picture. The second is 911eye emergency streaming, which enables a caller with a smartphone to stream live video footage, audio, and GPS coordinates to a 911-Communication Center. This allows dispatchers to make informed decisions on mobilizing the correct resources and provides invaluable information to initial first responders.
We encourage Virginia law enforcement to learn more and help us bring about this life-saving technology to Virginia. Below are some resources that detail more about how the CRG mapping technology works.Critical Response Group, Inc. Web Site –
COMPANY BROCHURE: Collaborative Response Graphics Brochure (PDF)
SLIDES: Understanding & Communicating with Collaborative Response Graphics® (CRGs®) (PDF)
ARTICLE: "Planning in Pictures — The future of critical incident planning and response"
by Keith Germain, COO, Critical Response Group, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: "The development and use of Collaborative Response Graphics™(CRG™) in public safety planning and emergency response operations" (PDF)
By Michael Bruno, Chief of Police, (Ret.)
VIDEO: CRG Corporate Profile
VIDEO: Overview of BAE Systems' Geospatial eXploitation Products
VIDEO: The GXP Tactical Solution
VIDEO: GXP Solutions for Land Based Missions and Crisis Management