News & Resources for Virginia Law Enforcement for Managing the COVID-19 Pandemic
Governor Northam Orders Statewide Closure of Certain Non-Essential Businesses, K-12 Schools
Monday, Governor Ralph Northam issued a statewide order to protect the health and safety of Virginians and reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19. Executive Order Fifty-Three orders the closure of certain non-essential businesses, bans all gatherings of more than 10 people, and closes all K-12 schools for the remainder of the academic year. Governor Northam is also urging all Virginians to avoid non-essential travel outside the home, if and when possible.
This order goes into effect at 11:59 PM on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 and will remain in place until 11:59 PM on Thursday, April 23, 2020.
Businesses in violation of this order may be charged with a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Official Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates from the State
IACP Offers Collection of COVID-19 Resources
The International Association of Chiefs of Police also has a collection of resources available to all law enforcement - no membership needed. They are continually populating the page with information as it becomes available, so check back often.
VACP Partner Critical Response Group Offers "911eye" FREE to Agencies for 30 Days to Help Address Pandemic

In our last newsletter, we profiled the VACP's new strategic partnership with Critical Response Group, Inc. (CRG), a team of U.S Special Operations Forces veterans, public safety professionals, and technical experts committed to enhancing public safety through the implementation of best-in-class technology.
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, CRG Inc. is offering their "911eye" technology AT NO COST to public safety agencies over the next 30 days. The goal is to enable “Professional Distancing” by reducing the exposure of officers without reducing the level of professional services provided to the community and citizens.
"911eye" enables public safety entities to send a link to any individual's smartphone allowing them to securely share live videos, photos and their location with the agency, therefore expanding the number of incidents that are appropriately managed without the risk of an in-person response. A number of public safety agencies are actively using the technology and greatly reducing the exposure of their officers.
- Maintain a high level of service while protecting first responders and citizens from potential exposure, in accordance with CDC call guidelines
- Securely document incidents in a CJIS-compliant environment, eliminating the need for an in-person response
- Provide situational awareness to ensure proper resource allocation and minimize unnecessary exposure risk to personnel.
- There is no app required, it works on all smartphones.
Please see the ATTACHED FLYER and SHORT VIDEO LINK for additional information on the program and for contact information.
Additionally, here is a DIGITAL BROCHURE that summarizes the functionality.
CRG Inc. also offers a product called Collaborative Response Graphics, which is a military-grade facility-mapping technology that helps first responders to address emergency situations at schools, hospitals, sports arenas and more by alleviating issues such as out-of-date floor plans, misnumbered doors, directional orientation and more. You can learn more about this mapping technology at
VACP Partner Lexipol Offers Free Content, Training and Policies
CDC Delivers COVID-19 Briefing for Law Enforcement
Last week, the Police Foundation, PERF, and MCCA sponsored a webinar with CDC. Here's the link to the Police Foundation page that includes the recorded webinar, PowerPoint (with links to CDC docs) and other guidance.
Some of the links from the CDC provide more information on critical issues like when someone should self-quarantine and when it's safe for people to return to work.
DMV Highway Safety Office Continues Operations

As you are likely aware, all DMV locations are closed to the public to include the Headquarters Office Building. However, while their doors are closed, they are still continuing operations and continuing to provide program support. Most of the Highway Safety Office program managers are working remotely, but are still available by phone and email.
Attached is a letter from the Director of the Highway Safety Office.
NHTSA Postpones Upcoming Traffic Safety Campaigns to Allow for Law Enforcement to Address COVID-19 Pandemic

We appreciate your commitment to safety.
Stephanie Hancock
NHTSA Region 3 Administrator
If you have specific questions about impacts to your agency's traffic safety programs or grant-funded activities, please contact your DMV Highway Safety Office Program Manager.