Casualty Assistance Plan
This plan, provided by the Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation, is intended to establish guidelines and identify an operational framework in the event of serious injury or death of a Department employee or volunteer. The Department’s response to a casualty will be based on the circumstances of the incident and reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The beginning of the plan addresses line-of-duty death incidents and other operational protocol in cases of on-duty serious injury and other death-related events. This plan may be enacted in whole or in part at the discretion of the Chief of Police or the appointed designee. The plan may be used to assist in cases of non-duty related deaths of incumbent or retired employees.
This Guide is the product of a joint effort of the Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation ( and The Florian Foundation ( The Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation also recognizes particularly the contributions of the Peer Support Team, Fairfax County (VA) Police Department, and Sergeant Jack Gaffigan (Ret.) – St. Louis Police and a member of the Board of Directors of The Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation.
VACP Resolution Commending the Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation (PDF)