First Responder Naloxone Program
Program Information
Order Naloxone & Carrying Cases
REVIVE for First Responders Training
Additional Resources & Information
Resource Guide for First Responders
How to Use Fentanyl Test Strips - Flyer with QR Code
Program Information
The Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police (VACP) is managing a First Responder Naloxone grant for the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS). The project goals are to increase access and distribution of naloxone to all first responders in the Commonwealth of Virginia, increase participation in the REVIVE! for First Responders training program, and to increase the number of REVIVE! FR Trainers and Master Trainers.
Naloxone is an opioid antagonist drug that reverses the effects that opioids have in the brain. When a person overdoses on opioids, the opioid overwhelms specific receptors in the brain, slowly decreasing respiration and heart rate before finally stopping it altogether. Naloxone has a very high affinity for these receptors and effectively pushes the opioid off of the brain receptor. This action allows a person’s body to resume respiration. Naloxone has been used for years by emergency medical technicians and emergency room doctors to reverse opioid overdose emergencies. Outside of this singular purpose, naloxone has no effect on the body, and poses no danger to anyone who accidentally administers it to themselves or someone else.
Organizations eligible to receive FREE naloxone supplies and training through this program include Law Enforcement Agencies (sheriff’s, police, campus, etc.), Dispatch/Emergency Communications, non-EMS Fire Departments, non-ambulatory EMS agencies, Jails / Correctional Facilities, and State/Regional/local Probation and Parole offices located in the Commonwealth of Virginia. There are other agencies that qualify under this grant and requests to participate in this program are reviewed on a case-by-case basis for agencies that are not included in the list above.
To receive Naloxone at no-cost through this grant, agencies must participate in the REVIVE for First Responders training program. The VACP conducts monthly live, virtual REVIVE! for First Responders Instructors trainings at no cost to the agencies and participants. Please note, local health departments, CSB’s, and community organizations are not certified nor authorized to conduct the REVIVE for First Responders training program, and the trainings conducted by these agencies do not satisfy the requirements to receive free resources through this program.
Please read below for information on No-Cost Naloxone Supplies, training to administer naloxone, and links to additional information/ resources. NO-COST Naloxone Nasal Spray & Carrying Cases
The Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police is managing a federal grant that covers the cost of naloxone and naloxone carrying cases for first responders in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Agencies that receive resources through this program are required to complete the REVIVE! for First Responders training and to place their orders for naloxone and carrying cases through the vendors contracted by the VACP. Links for ordering are listed below. For additional questions and information on this program, please contact Stephanie Diaz at
No-Cost Naloxone Carrying Cases
Carrying Case Order Form
Pictures of Available Carrying Cases
To obtain a FREE temperature-controlled Naloxone Carrying Case, please use the links above. These cases are available to first responder agencies in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Because supplies are limited, orders are subject to review before processing. For general questions, please contact Stephanie Diaz at
No-Cost Naloxone Application / Renewal Request / Ordering
To receive naloxone at no cost through this program, use this link to create an account to submit a new application, create an account for application renewal, and to order naloxone. A physicians prescription is not required! Please check YES on the application if asked if you are “applying through the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police (VACP) First Responders Program”. *NOTE: VDH will respond to applications by sending an MOU using BoxSign. Please watch for this email after submitting an application. We strongly recommend adding to your email contacts or safe senders list today to make sure any future notifications are not routed to your spam folder.
Return Request (disposal of expired/unused naloxone)
Use this form if you have expired or unused naloxone kits that you would like to return to the Virginia Department of Health, Division of Pharmacy Services.
Carrying Case Order Form
Pictures of Available Carrying Cases
To obtain a FREE temperature-controlled Naloxone Carrying Case, please use the links above. These cases are available to first responder agencies in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Because supplies are limited, orders are subject to review before processing. For general questions, please contact Stephanie Diaz at
No-Cost Naloxone Application / Renewal Request / Ordering
To receive naloxone at no cost through this program, use this link to create an account to submit a new application, create an account for application renewal, and to order naloxone. A physicians prescription is not required! Please check YES on the application if asked if you are “applying through the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police (VACP) First Responders Program”. *NOTE: VDH will respond to applications by sending an MOU using BoxSign. Please watch for this email after submitting an application. We strongly recommend adding to your email contacts or safe senders list today to make sure any future notifications are not routed to your spam folder.
Return Request (disposal of expired/unused naloxone)
Use this form if you have expired or unused naloxone kits that you would like to return to the Virginia Department of Health, Division of Pharmacy Services.
REVIVE! for First Responders Training
REVIVE! is the Opioid Overdose and Naloxone Education (OONE) program for the Commonwealth of Virginia created by DBHDS. Agencies must complete the REVIVE! for First Responders training to receive free resources through the First Responders Naloxone Program. The training objectives are to increase understanding of the opioid epidemic; become familiarized with the sections of the Virginia Code that apply to opioid overdose and naloxone; understanding harm reduction; risk factors for opioid overdose, the overdose continuum, and how naloxone works; recognizing the signs of opioid overdose and how to effectively respond; the “leave-behind” program; understand the risk factors of fentanyl exposure to first responders; and discuss responder fatigue.
REVIVE! for First Responders Basic Rescuer Training: This 1.5 hour training certifies attendees to carry and administer Naloxone in the event of an opioid overdose emergency. To request a training in your area or for questions about this training program, please contact Stephanie Diaz at
REVIVE! for First Responders Instructors Training: Successful completion of this 3 hour training certifies individuals to become a Certified Instructor of the REVIVE! FR Basic Rescuer training. Trainers must be active first responders employed in the Commonwealth of Virginia with an up-to-date CPR certification, are required to conduct at least one training a year, and must recertify every three years. Instructor training sessions are conducted by the VACP once a month. To view scheduled trainings, please visit the VACP Calendar. To request a training in your area, please contact contact Stephanie Diaz at
REVIVE! for First Responders Instructor Recertification: Instructors of the REVIVE! FR training program must recertify every three (3) years. Instructor recertification sessions are conducted by the VACP once a month. To view and register for an upcoming REVIVE FR Trainer Recertification, please visit the VACP Calendar.
REVIVE! for First Responders Training Resources: Certified REVIVE FR Instructors must be signed into their VACP account in order to access the REVIVE FR Training materials. For assistance with accessing the REVIVE Trainer Resources page, please contact Stephanie Diaz (
REVIVE! Lay Rescuer Training Information and Resources: The Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) manages the REVIVE! Lay Rescuer training program. This program is appropriate for individuals who do not qualify to participate in the First Responders training. Private citizens may also participate in the REVIVE! Lay Rescue training. For more information, please go to this link: or contact the REVIVE! Program Coordinater, Tiana Vazquez, at
Additional Resources & Information
Dangerous Drug Alert
- Isotonitazene - DEA Notice
- Isotonitazene - The Sun article
- Xylazine - FDA Alert (Please note - Xylazine is not an opioid, therefore naloxone will not counteract a xylazine overdose.)
- DEA Reports Widespread Threat of Fentanyl Mixed with Xylazine
Program Reports
- Evaluation and Impact Assessment of Virginia's REVIVE! for First Responder Training Program - 2023 Report
- Evaluation and Impact Assessment of Virginia's REVIVE! for First Responder Training Program - 2022 Report
- Evaluation and Impact Assessment of Virginia's REVIVE! for First Responder Training Program - 2021 Report
- Evaluation and Impact Assessment of Virginia's REVIVE! for First Responder Training Program - 2020 Report
- § 54.1-3408. Professional use by practitioners
- § 8.01-225. Persons Rendering Emergency Care, Obstetrical Services Exempt from Liability
- § 18.2-251.03. Safe Reporting of Overdoses
- § 54.1-3466. Possession or distribution of controlled paraphernalia
- Statewide Naloxone Prescription Order for Virginia First Responders
- § 32.1-45.4. Comprehensive harm reduction programs.
- § 19.2-271.4. Privileged communications by certain public safety personnel.
Commonwealth of Virginia Resources
- Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) - REVIVE Program Information Page
- Virginia Community Service Boards (CSBs)
- Comprehensive Harm Reduction Sites
- Virginia Department of Health Naloxone Distribution to Community Partners
- Resource Guide for First Responders
- How to Use Fentanyl Test Strips - Flyer with QR Code
- Fatal Drug Overdose Trends in Virginia
- Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program (ODMAP)
Opioid Overdose Resources and Information
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): SAMHSA has issued a letter certifying that opioid treatment services are essential medical services. The letter confirms the need of personal protective equipment to be used by professionals who provide these services, and that the ordering of PPE supplies is for a legitimate need and purpose.
- How to give Narcan® to a K9
- SAMHSA Overdose Prevention Toolkit - Five Essential Steps for First Responders
- ASA - Opioid Overdose Resuscitation
- NIH - Opioid Overdose Reversal with Naloxone
- Bureau of Justice Assistance's Law Enforcement Naloxone Toolkit Information
- RAND Corporation Research Report E-book: Law Enforcement Efforts to Fight the Opioid Crisis
- Office of National Drug Control Policy Advisory: Fentanyl Safety Recommendations for Law Enforcement
- John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health: Policing and the Opioid Crisis – Standards of Care
- John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health: A Roadmap for Reducing Stigma on Opioid Addiction
Naloxone Videos (while not Virginia-specific, useful information)
- NIH - How Naloxone Saves Lives
- VDH - Recognizing and Responding to an Opioid Overdose
- AMA How to Use Naloxone
- Training on Using 4 Types of Naloxone
- NASN Naloxone Training
- Naloxone Project Dawn Training Video
- NY Naloxone Update for Law Enforcement
- Official Narcan Video – How to Use Narcan Nasal Spray
- Key Steps to Administering Naloxone Nasal Spray