Law Enforcement Executive Certification Program


List of VACP Certified Law Enforcement Chief Executives & Command Executives


Professional certifications are widely established and recognized across all types of occupations and industries as a credential that verifies someone has extensive knowledge, skills and abilities to perform a specific job. Certifications are typically awarded by a corresponding professional association after a candidate completes an assessment of some kind (a peer evaluation, an exam, or a combination of the two). 

After earning a certification, an individual typically can then start using a designation after their name. (For example, a Certified Project Management Professional can use "PMP" after their name. Or, a Certified Association Executive can use "CAE" after their name.)   Most certifications also have ongoing requirements to maintain that designation to show that the achievement is not "one-and-done", but that the individual who earned the certification has committed to continued education, professionalism, and service.

Earning a professional certification is generally valuable as many employers will view them as a sign of dedication to your career and your professional development, which can lead to higher pay and promotions. Additional benefits of a professional certficiation can include increased prestige and a competitive advantage for credential holders — a certification could help set a job applicant apart from the rest of the field. 

So then... back to the original question... "Why apply to be a VACP Certified Law Enforcement Executive?"

Seeing similar programs established by the Virginia Sheriffs' Association and by our fellow chiefs' association in New Jersey, the VACP Executive Board decided to establish the VACP Law Enforcement Executive Certification Program (LEECP) to encourage police executives to attain and maintain established benchmarks of accomplishment in order to achieve a recommended standard for police leadership within the state of Virginia. Participation in the LEECP is entirely voluntary and is offered as a benefit of membership in the VACP.

Applicants for the VACP Law Enforcement Executive Certification are individuals who wish to:

  • Demonstrate having attained advanced education and professional development beyond the basic employment and training requirements to be a Virginia-certified law enforcement officer; and to demonstrate a commitment to continued educational and/or professional enrichment.

  • Demonstrate a commitment to the law enforcement profession beyond your normal working duties through volunteer service on professional boards and committees and participation in professional associations.

  • Demonstrate a commitment to professional standards and ethics.

  • Stand out amongst their professional peers in promotional/hiring processes.

  • Mark their professional achievements to others through the use of a post-nominal designation:

    • VACP Certified Law Enforcement Chief Executive Officers may use the "VCLEE-CEO" designation after their name;

    • VACP Certified Law Enforcement Command Executive Officers may use ​"VCLEE-CO" designation after their name.

Additionally, VACP Members who earn their Certified Law Enforcement Executive credential will be issued a certificate plaque (which can be updated upon re-certification) and enhanced membership pins (illustrated above) to showcase their achievement.



  1. Purpose
  2. Program Structure
  3. Certification Requirements
  4. Application and Fees
  5. Supporting Documentation
  6. LEECP Committee
  7. Appendices


The Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police is an organization that strives to promote the professional development and highest standards of executive and management level personnel of law enforcement agencies throughout Virginia. (See more at About the VACP.)
The Law Enforcement Executive Certification Program (LEECP) encourages police executives to attain and maintain established benchmarks of accomplishment to achieve a recommended standard for police leadership within the state of Virginia. 


There are two levels of law enforcement certification available for Virginia public safety leaders:  

  • Certified Chief Executive Officer (VCLEE-CEO) -for currently-appointed chiefs or commanding officers of a Virginia law enforcement agency with primary law enforcement authority. 

  • Certified Command Executive Officer (VCLEE-CO) -for currently-serving Virginia law enforcement command officers who serve in an executive or upper management position at the rank of lieutenant or above (or the equivalent rank for law enforcement agencies with 35 or less sworn force, as provided on an organizational chart depicting the levels within the agency); or, for currently-appointed chiefs or commanding officers of a Virginia law enforcement agency who don’t meet the eligibility requirements for Certified Chief Executive.


Applicants must meet ALL eligibility requirements in the program for both initial certification and recertification. Applicants must meet mandatory eligibility, tenure, and educational requirements for initial certification. Certification is for 3 years, and participants must recertify every 3 years to remain active in the program. The application process will allow participants to certify these requirements for initial participation or meet the requirements for recertification.

It is the member’s responsibility to submit a separate application for recertification, demonstrating a commitment to continued professional development through training, conference attendance, and meeting the program’s certification requirements.

You must be a VACP or VACLEA member (Active or Associate level) to participate in the certification program. Current members must be up-to-date on their dues to be approved for certification (login to your account and check for any unpaid invoices). Non-members can apply for membership in order to qualify for certification.


  1. Initial Certification

    1. Applicants seeking LEECP certification must complete an online LEECP application and submit it electronically.

    2. A preliminary review of the application will be conducted by VACP staff and then sent to the LEECP committee for final review and approval.  Additional documents may be needed to verify the applicant’s training, education, and experience.  It will be the responsibility of the applicant to provide these verification documents to the committee in a timely manner.

    3. The initial certification fee for the LEECP is $225. 

    4. Payment must be received by the VACP before certification is awarded.

    5. If you are certified by the VACP as a Command Executive Officer and achieve the rank of chief law enforcement officer, you may reapply for the Chief Executive Officer, if qualified, without paying the initial application fee a second time.  You must file for initial certification of Chief Executive Officer before any recertification becomes due. 

  2. Recertification
    Members must recertify every 3 years to remain active in the program.  It is the member’s responsibility to submit a separate application for recertification, demonstrating a commitment to continued professional development through training, conference attendance, and meeting the program’s certification requirements.

    1. Members seeking LEECP recertification for the Law Enforcement Chief Executive Officer must complete the LEECP recertification application and submit it electronically.

    2. Applications for recertification must be submitted no more than 60 days before the date of certification or last recertification.

    3. If certification has lapsed, applicants must meet all requirements for initial certification to become recertified. Certifications will not be considered lapsed if an application has been filed on time and is awaiting approval by the committee.

    4. A preliminary review of the application will be conducted by the VACP staff and then sent to the LEECP committee for final review and approval.  Additional documents may be needed to verify the member’s training, education, and experience.  It will be the responsibility of the member to provide these verification documents to the committee in a timely manner.

    5. The recertification fee for the LEECP is $75.

    6. Payment must be received by the VACP before certification or recertification is awarded.


  1. Applicants must attach a current résumé with the completed application.

  2. Documentation is required to verify that education and professional development requirements have been met.  Documentation may be required to verify other categories if needed. 

  3. Applicants should only submit copies of all required documentation, as these documents will not be returned.

  4. Acceptable forms of documentation include but are not limited to, copies of diplomas/degrees; copies of training certificates; copies of DCJS, agency, or academy training records; DCJS PIC forms; copies of course attendance or instructor records.  

  5. All courses submitted for credit must be approved before certification is awarded. If a course or program is not listed in the appendix, applicants must attach a summary and/or description of the course, a link to the course website, or outline of the training.


The LEECP committee will oversee the administration of the certification program and its membership requirements. 

  1. The LEECP committee will consist of at least one VACP Board member and four VACP active member chief executive officers selected by the VACP Board.  A VACP Board member shall serve as the committee chair.
  2. Committee members will serve a two-year term.
  3. The committee will meet in person or virtually as needed to conduct the following business:
    1. Review and approve or reject applications.
    2. Review and approve or reject specific write-in requirements on the application (training courses, memberships, etc.) submitted by applicants for certification.
    3. Maintain a database of approved training courses to assist with reviewing future applications.
    4. Conduct an annual review of the requirements for initial certification and subsequent recertification and provide the VACP Executive Board with suggested program updates.
  4. Appeals of any LEECP Committee decisions will be heard by the VACP Executive Board.


    This tier includes leadership/public safety-related executive-, command-, or supervisory-level development schools, training seminars, and course work lasting 3 weeks or longer. (Other courses may apply, but will be subject to review and approval.)

    1. FBI National Academy
    2. FEMA Emergency Management Professional Program (EMPP) Courses (separate credit for each):
      1. National Emergency Management Basic;
      2. National Emergency Management Advanced; or, 
      3. National Emergency Management Executive Academy
    3. Law Enforcement Foundation (Ohio)  Police Executive Leadership College (PELC)
    4. IACP Leadership in Police Organizations (LPO)
    5. National Command and Staff College – Command and Staff Leadership (ACE 1) (320 hr hybrid course)
    6. National Command and Staff College – Emerging Leadership Certificate (ACE 2) (187 hr online course)
    7. NCSU Administrative Officers Management Program (AOMP)
    8. Northwestern University School of Police Staff and Command (SPSC)
    9. VACP Professional Executive Leadership School (PELS)
    10. PERF Senior Management Institute for Police (SMIP)
    11. Southern Police Institute Administrative Officers Course (AOC)
    12. UVA National Criminal Justice Command College (NCJCC)
    This tier includes leadership/public safety-related executive-, command-, or supervisory-level development schools, training seminars, and course work lasting 2 weeks or longer(Other courses may apply, but will be subject to review and approval.)

    1. FBI Law Enforcement Executive Development Seminar (LEEDS)
    2. VACP Institute for Leadership in Changing Times (ILCT)
    3. HRCJTA/CNU Leadership Institute
    4. Naval Postgraduate School Executive Leaders Program (ELP)
    5. Police Executive Development (POLEX) from Penn State
    6. Police Executive Development – Advanced (Advanced POLEX) from Penn State
    7. Senior Executive Institute – Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service (UVA)
    This tier includes leadership/public safety-related executive-, command-, or supervisory-level development schools and course work lasting less than 2 weeks, BUT A MINIMUM OF THREE (3) DAYS(Other courses may apply, but will be subject to review and approval.)

    1. Accreditation Assessor Training
    2. Authentic & Deliberate Leadership: The West Point Way (VACP/National Command & Staff College - ONLINE)
    3. FBI National Command College
    4. FBI LEEDA Supervisor Leadership Institute
    5. FBI LEEDA Command Leadership Institute
    6. FBI LEEDA Executive Leadership Institute
    7. FBI LEEDA Professional Standards and Ethics
    8. FBI LEEDA First Amendment Issues for Supervisors
    9. FBI LEEDA Internal Affairs
    10. FBI LEEDA Leadership Integrity
    11. FBI LEEDA Media and Public Relations
    12. FBI LEEDA Master PIO
    13. FBI LEEDA Reflective Leadership
    14. FBI LEEDA Basic Supervisor Liability 
    15. FBI LEEDA Advanced Supervisor Liability
    16. National Domestic Terrorism and Preparedness Consortium Courses
    17. FEMA Incident Command/Emergency Management Courses (ICS 100-800 Combined = 51 hrs. Points are only awarded for a combination of ICS courses that add up to min. of 24 hrs. Ex. ICS 100 + ICS 200 + ICS 300 = 27 hrs. Max. points awarded for a set of ICS courses is 5 pts. Cannot submit 100-300 for 5 pts and then 400-800 for another 5pts.  )
    18. Southern Police Institute (SPI - Univ. of Louisville) Organizational Leadership & Problem-Solving (40 hrs)
    19. VACP First Line Supervisors School
    20. VACP Internal Affairs School
    21. VACP New Chiefs/Deputy Chiefs School
    22. VACP Credible Leadership Program – Foundations and Principles (ONLINE)
    23. VACP Credible Leadership Program – Theories and Practices (ONLINE)
    24. VACP Credible Leadership Program – Application and Advancement (ONLINE)
    25. VACP Credible Leadership Program – Competency and Mastery (ONLINE)

    1. ​American Society Industrial Security (ASIS)
    2. FBI National Academy Associates (FBINAA)
    3. ​FBI LEEDA Association (FBI-LEEDA)
    4. ​International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA)
    5. International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)
    6. ​International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training (IADLEST)
    7. International City and County Management Association (ICMA)
    8. ​Police Executive Research Forum (PERF)
    9. Major City Chiefs (MCC)
    10. ​Mid-Atlantic Association of Women in Law Enforcement (MAAWLE)
    11. National Association of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE)
    12. National Association of Chiefs of Police (NACP)
    13. National Internal Affairs Investigators Association (NIAIA)
    14. ​National Association of Women Law Enforcement Executives (NAWLEE)
    15. National Information Officers Association (NIOA)
    16. National Sheriffs' Association (NSA)
    17. Virginia Sheriffs’ Association (VSA)
    18. Other (Subject to Committee approval.)

VACP Law Enforcement Executive Certification Program Documents